Sunday, July 28, 2019


I think you know that mountain lions are known by many names:- mountain lion/cougar/puma -hence why I am known as "the Painter of All the P's"...

My many puma portraits were the beginning of my book illustrations for "P22, The Journey".  Written, illustrated, and produced as our fundraising contribution to the #101/Liberty Canyon Wildlife Crossing, our book is a five-star winner on Amazon!  Not only is it a quality production, but the outstanding coloration on special page paper has everyone falling in love with my artwork.  Needless to say, I am very proud this endeavor is doing so much good for our wildlife.

I made 11x14" reprints available for framing so everyone could enjoy my paintings. You can buy them online at, or at many of our book signing events.  (Our facebook page is ghostcatpublications.)

Thx to a wonderful framer, Ria Richey (, the $30 print of the beautiful puma on our book cover looks like costly artwork!  Our admirer and supporter, Jill, has allowed me to share what she has done with it...  I absolutely love it!  Thank you, Jill.

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